div.{float} $r1 #i

div.{float} $r1 #i $rr

 00000000 0000000s r1...... i....... ........ ........ ........ rr......

 00000000 0000000s r1...... 11111110 rr...... 00000000 00000000 11110000
 i....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........
  • s indicates whether the operands are signed (1) or not (0)
  • r1 The first operand register
  • i The inlined immediate value
  • rr The register to store the result in — Defaults to r1 if omitted

Divides the value from r1 by the value from i, stores the result in rr.

div.{float} $r1 $r2

div.{float} $r1 $r2 $rr

 00000000 0000000s r1...... r2...... rr...... 00000000 00000000 00000000
  • s indicates whether the operands are signed (1) or not (0)
  • r1 The first operand register
  • r2 The second operand register
  • rr The register to store the result in — Defaults to r1 if omitted

Divides the value from r1 by the value from r2, stores the result in rr.

div.{integer} $r1 #i $rr -

div.{integer} $r1 #i - $rm

div.{integer} $r1 #i $rr $rm

 00000000 000000ms r1...... i....... ........ ........ ........ rr......

 00000000 0000000s r1...... 11111110 rr...... rm...... 00000000 11110000
 i....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........

Divides the value from r1 by the value from i, stores the quotient in rr and the remainder (otherwise called the modulus) in rm.

div.{integer} $r1 $r2

div.{integer} $r1 $r2 $rr -

div.{integer} $r1 $r2 - $rm

div.{integer} $r1 $r2 $rr $rm

 00000000 0000001s r1...... r2...... rr...... rm...... 00000000 00000000
  • s indicates whether the operands are signed (1) or not (0)
  • r1 The first operand register
  • r2 The second operand register
  • rr The result storage register for the quotient — Defaults to r1 if omitted
  • rm The result storage register for the remainder — Defaults to r2 if omitted

Divides the value from r1 by the value from r2, stores the quotient in rr and the remainder (otherwise called the modulus) in rm.