
x   -> 1000       (4-bit word encoding)
x   -> 1110_1000  (8-bit full encoding)
xh0 -> 1100_1000
xh1 -> 1101_1000
xq0 -> 1001_1000
xq3 -> 1011_1000
xb0 -> 0000_1000
xb7 -> 0111_1000
16 registers                       16
16 registers * 2 half indexes    + 32  = 48
16 registers * 4 quarter indexes + 64  = 112
16 registers * 8 byte indexes    = 128 = 240

Could theoretically be coded as 8 bits... is saving the 1 bit worth it? 🤔

00000000 .. 01111111 -> pb0 .. fb7 (0rrrriii)
10000000 .. 10111111 -> pq0 .. fq3 (10rrrrii)
11000000 .. 11011111 -> ph0 .. fh1 (110rrrri)
11100000 .. 11101111 -> p   .. f   (1110rrrr)

...or a slightly easier to parse version...

00000000 .. 01111111 -> pb0 .. fb7 (0iiirrrr)
10000000 .. 10111111 -> pq0 .. fq3 (10iirrrr)
11000000 .. 11011111 -> ph0 .. fh1 (110irrrr)
11100000 .. 11101111 -> p   .. f   (1110rrrr)
11110000 ..          -> Impossible (used for decoding)
11110001 .. 11111011 -> undefined behavior
11111100 .. 11111111 -> fwi        (full word immediate)
11111111             -> None       (rarely useful, but worth having)

...which is nice because the physical register is always in the same spot! Oh, and the index is just the remainder of dividing the highest 4 bits by the number of register indexes.